Tuesday, 31 August 2010

baby quilt, lamp shades and Hobart again

I can finally blog about the quilt I made for my friend's friend's new baby which is due any minute. The family is based in Tasmania so I wanted to make the quilt really fresh and green. I also wanted to reference the lovely houses in Tasmania that feel very English. I used my favorite Liberty print of the houses and boats to evoke this.
The lampshade is a self indulgent endeavor for our bedroom. On one side there is the cycling man and on the other the city. They look great with the lights on at night. I'd love to do a long artwork for above the bed on the little man cycling through the hills... one day.
Here are some other projects that I made as birthday presents for some lovely friends of mine.
And finally... I was back in Hobart last week. The snow clouds were ever present on the mountain. Very beautiful from the wharves.


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