Monday, 31 March 2014

New Class announced! - Developing Your Illustration Voice


I will be teaching a new class in June at The Art Room in Footsgray. I am pretty excited about this one as we will be covering a lot of ground and having heaps of fun together.
Developing your Illustration Voice
An Introduction to Illustration

Through a series of small projects students will explore different techniques that will set them on the road to finding their unique illustration voice! During the workshop we will discuss the illustrator’s visual style, decision-making processes, unique expression, ideas and opinions, the importance of keeping a visual diary.

Some of the techniques we will cover include different approaches to drawing from life, hand printing, collage and creating your own source library of textures and patterns.

June 15th 2014
Visit The Art Room for more details.

New Card Range

Since Archer was born I haven't been as productive as I used to be, so it was nice to have a little push along from my friends Georgia Janetski and Anna Walker who's work I have long admired and it is an honour to get to know them both more recently and share ideas and creative musings. Here are some lovely photos of the cards taken by Klarissa Pfisterer who also collaborated on the project. The cards are printed in Melbourne on recycled card and come with a lovely kraft brown envelope.

We are stocking the cards in various little outlets across Australia like Klopper Wares in South Melbourne, Mr Sparrow shop in Subiaco, Perth. Soon we will start a big cartel... one step at a time! If you are interesting in stocking our cards too please don't hesitate to send me an email.